
A Whimsical Garden Wedding

A Whimsical Garden Wedding  photo credit: Lindsey Zern In the last few years we have seen a deconstruction of the typical, formal wedding flora of tight buds arranged in a...

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Winter Woodland Wedding

​​Stephanie McLellan, Photographs by Stephanie Dried flowers imprint on us a soft, sweet, natural essence that is fragile but strong in its long lasting quality. They are sincere and they...

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Gold & Elegant Winter Wedding Inspiration

This winter we had the pleasure of creating the floral arrangements for a wedding reception at the Carnegie Museum of Pittsburgh. Such a dramatic venue called for equally rich arrangements...

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The Last of Summer Wedding Inspiration: Floral Crowns & Cakes

Your wedding is your day. It's a chance to celebrate your love and the life you are beginning together. It's not about formulas or prescribed decor. It doesn't have to...

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Summer Wedding Inspiration: Late For An Important Date!

Before greens fade to amber, before the sun sets far too early, before the seasons shifts right into fall, let's revel in a summer wedding story... Hers is a story...

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Fall Wedding Inspiration

If you're planning a wedding, consider autumn as a beautiful backdrop for your special occasion. Dried floral arrangements extend your favorite flower's season, and they add overall longevity to your...

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